Beacon of Hope School Building Project
Mercy & Azozo Hope Foundation

Build a School Community
We build schools in very disadvantaged communities where the existing school buildings are dilapidated mud structures – unsafe and usually overcrowded. In some villages, there are no schools at all, and children walk long distances to have access to education.
Our strategy is to work in partnership with the host community: To build with them – not to build for them.
The village donates the required land for the school site which will also accommodate a community art, craft and skill training centre. The host village will also provide labour, as well as wood and other locally sourced building material. We provide architectural expertise, building materials, and on-site supervision.
Every 3 years we will start a new school building in a disadvantaged community. Each school will take 3 years for completion and would be built in 3 phases, working hand in hand with volunteers within the villages.
Beacon of Hope schools are ecological school buildings, constructed with much care and reducing environmental impact harnessing all the best that nature offers us. Each school will have the capacity for 300 pupils, 50 preschoolers, 8 teaching staff, 2 classroom assistants, 2 resource/support teachers and 2 non-academic staff.